Garden Creations

Garden Art

Bottle tree with vine
Bottle tree with vine


Bottle Tree Vine Support

This is both a sculpture and a vine support. Shown here is a simple bold color combination that allows the viewer to appreciate each  element without being overpowered by a cacophany of color. Deep cool blue bottles are balanced by a beautiful bold warm orange-yellow of Black-eyed Susan Vine Thunbergia alata. Consider the many interesting color combinations of bottle to flower that can be made.

Garden Structures

   Pine saplings form an elongated tepee for vigorous pole beans.
Pine saplings form an elongated tepee for vigorous pole beans.


Pole Bean Tepee

Climbing beans need a tall support in some form. Tepee shapes have been used throughout history, as saplings have always been readily available. Today we have bamboo of many sizes to use as well as saplings. Various tepee shapes are able to be created in even the smallest of plots. Pictured, is a tepee in a row configuration with cross bracing connected and lashed to the verticals for strength. Large tepee structures with cardboard-mulch floors can be a wonderful place for children to play which helps to engage children in the garden.

Garden Pergola

Creating shade in a garden that is all sun, can be a challenge. The most common element for shade is a pergola with vine plantings to create the shade. The vine choice and size of structure wanted decides the lumber dimensions needed. A heavy vine or fruiting vine requires much larger lumber than a lighter clematis vine. A large pergola would require stronger lumber as well. Pergolas can be made of young trees, saplings or even branches. A living trellis/pergola can be made of willow which will root, sprout and grow in the shape it is given. Reinforcement and solid footings are necessary to assure the pergola does not fall over in a windy rain storm.

A planted pergola of wisteria & climbing roses
A planted pergola of wisteria & climbing roses